Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More Conversations with Atheists

The youtubing atheists have returned. At least one of them has: youtuber #2. Here we go...

Even if homosexuality was a choice, why are you doing the exact opposite of what you're saying Jesus did? 1 Peter 4:15 "But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters." When you start telling other people how they should live their lives and forcing your doctrine upon them, you are not helping them.This boycott is pointless. You're enforcing bigotry and bringing people down, when you should be building them up.

Wow. Now you're using Scripture for your arguments? You don't agree with the Bible, but will use it for your purposes? As for forcing doctrine, isn't that what McDonalds is doing by promoting that lifestyle? And the boycott is not pointless. The point is that McDonalds should stick to making Big Macs. Period. The boycott is about nothing else to me.

And if you wanna talk about so-called "choice", how many teenagers have killed themselves upon realizing they were gay, because it'd been driven into their heads from birth that it was immoral and wrong? If it was a choice, why wouldn't they just choose to not be gay if it was so bad?In Leviticus 20:13, "abomination" came from the Hebrew word "to'ebah" which was translated into "bdelygma"- ritual impurity. Which lumps it into the same category as eating shellfish, etc. Not applicable anymore.

This is from a book review of "Helminiak: Lying for Gays." It's found at This is from the fifth paragraph. "Then we come to Helminiak's best lie. His word study of toevah and bdelygma on p. 64-65. Toevah is the Hebrew word usually translated as abomination and bdelygma is the Septuagint Greek equivalent translation. Toevah is used in the Levitical prohibitions on male-male sex in Lev 18:22 and 20:13. He confidently asserts that toevah means "what is culturally or ritually forbidden" it is not a sin. He then compounds the error by saying that the Greek translation bdelygma, which he says, means a "ritual offense". When I looked up the meaning of the words toevah and bdelygma, the actual meanings of these two words is nowhere near as narrow as Helminiak implies. Toevah can be used in both a ritual and a moral sense, the same as bdelygma. In Lev 18:26-30 toevah is used four times and refers to adultery, child-sacrifice, male-male intercourse and bestiality (in Lev 18:20-23), bdelygma translates toevah in three of these verses. In the New Testament bdelygma is used of the "abomination of desolation" (Mat 24:15)."
Your argument is not new, do you have anything else?

The sad part is that youtuber#2 is just using other people's ideas and making them his/her own. We'll see what they come up with next.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Conversations with Atheists

I've gotten involved with a couple of youtubers over this mcdonalds boycott video (see below). One proclaims the Bible cannot be proven true because the Bible says it is and the other says the Bible is full of contradictions, then changes his/her mind. I haven't talked to either one since.

(Youtube poster #1)
just a note to the "48% who agree with scripture":your scripture is written by humans, with no inspiration from the divine. and even though you shroud your stance by hiding behind the words of long-since-dead men, that doesn't make you any less of a bigot.are you hateful? yes. yes you are.

2 Timothy Chapter 3 verse 16 and 17: "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

(Youtube poster#1)
brian:first, you cannot prove the bible is true by showing us that the bible SAYS it is true. besides, we all know the koran has been given to us as a more updated set of commands. would you like me to cite you where the koran says that its words take precedence over those of the bible as evidence of this? (LOL)and on a related note, 2 timothy was written long before it or any other future NT writings would ever be considered "scripture". the human church decided what would be "scripture".

(Youtube poster #2)
That's circular logic for ya. Because the Bible SAYS it was written by God and is the ultimate truth, it MUST be! That's like me saying my mother was a horse. Whelp, I said it, you gotta believe me doncha? It must be true!I think the Bible has a lot of good teachings in it that we should follow simply because it's good advice. But there are also so many blatant contradictions it's impossible to follow the whole thing righteously.

Give me an example of a contradiction and I will discuss it with you. I challenge you, however, to find this contradiction yourself. Think for yourself rather than jumping on a bandwagon. And, before anyone accuses me of jumping on the bandwagon too, the reason for the boycott is because McDonalds has chosen a side against us. Therefore, we're not eating there until McD's goes neutral. Anyway, enjoy getting fat.

(Youtube poster#2)
Ok... I take back what I said about the contradictions. Apparently most of those are due to translation error, which naturally happens frequently between Hebrew/Greek and English. Circular logic still stands, however.I was unaware of this "sides" thing going on. Are you talking about Homosexuality vs. Christianity? Because that's ridiculous. Homosexuality is not a religion, it's a sexual orientation. And Christianity is not about hating gays, it's about loving your fellow man. Think, WWJD?

You know, good question. What WOULD Jesus do? I know what He DID do. He gave His life willingly on the cross to pay for the sins of man that whoever would believe would be saved (John 3:16). The Bible tells us that the teachers of Israel despised Jesus Christ for eating with and talking to sinners. He responded by saying the healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick do. Jesus would do what we all do, love the sinner, hate the sin. Homosexuality is a choice that is an abomination to God.

Like I said, I haven't heard from either one since.
My family and I went to Indianapolis last night to watch the Colts play Jacksonville. Going in, we were a little worried about the Colts' chances. After all, they did come back masterfully against Minnesota the week before, but we were worried nonetheless.

Our main concern was that Jacksonville would run the ball alot and run the clock by keeping the possession. According to AP, the Jaguars kept the ball for 41 minutes. They had over 220 yards rushing. Peyton Manning threw two interceptions and a ref fell down during a punt return. (The ref falling down while backpedaling didn't affect the game, but it was funny.)

Anyway, with around two minutes left in the fourth quarter, the Jags were up 20-14 and Manning takes over again. He just has great plays in him somewhere that he can just draw on. The Colts score the TD, kick the extra point and with about a minute to go, the Colts are winning 21-20. I then noticed on the scoreboard that the Titans beat Houston. That put the hope of being tied for first with Tenn out of reac for now.

Then Jacksonville marched to mid-field and kicked a 51-yard field goal that let all the air out of the stadium. The Colts then tried some lateral passing on the punt return for the remaining 4 seconds and it was over.

So now, Tennessee is 3-0 and the Colts are 1-2, tied for second with Jacksonville, and leaving their fans with the hope the offensive line can protect Manning better and the defense can stop the Jaguars running game, or anyone's running game for that matter.

The Colts have a week off then face the Texans on 10/5.

Go Colts!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Name Your Enemy

Today, after I returned home from trying to land a job, I received an email that told me my resume had went to certain people and that I was being considered for a position in a company. That same email told me to "pray...pray...pray!"

I looked up today's devotion at and was told given a passage from Mark where Jesus talked about removing parts of my body that caused me to sin.

What's more is that my pastor, Dan Caldwell, began a message he called "Conversion Preaching." He spoke of what being a disciple means.

When I became quiet and was about to pray, a voice (spoken to my heart or mind) told me to know my enemy. I believed I was being told to speak out against my situation (finances, job situation) but I was wrong. I then thought (per the devotional) that I was being told to pray against any spirits that had an assignment on me. I was on the righ track but it went deeper than that.

I was told to name my enemy.

His name is satan.

The Bible says that all he wants to do is kill, steal, and destroy.

With all the tools he has had available, he has been doing just that in my life. He first plan (Plan A) is to steal you from God, to steal your salvation, steal your joy, your eternal happiness. We are bombarded continually by forces that appeal to our basest natures, our flesh. Our desires for satifaction are hard to keep in check on their own without the help of internet and other media making the job nearly impossible. With the help of Jesus and willpower, we can resist and not indulge our fantasies.

So there's Plan B: destroy.

If satan cannot steal you from God, he will try to destroy you by whatever means he has available. He will do anything he can to slip you up, get you frustrated, and make you want to quit trying. Once he gets you to quit trying, he's won.

Then finally, the last one: he will kill you. That speaks for itself. It's better that you're alive in heaven where you're not influencing events here on earth.

That's it. Satan's master plan for you.

Now ask yourself why you're so important to God that satan would go to such lengths to keep you out of God's plans. What is it about you that has satan so worried that he would go to so much trouble to steal you, destroy you, or kill you?

If he's not trying to do these things to you, if he's not worried about you, then you're not a threat. And that's only possible if plan A or plan B was successful.

Only you can answer that.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dear John Jesse

by Milan Ford

Last week, millions of people were stunned by the crude remarks Rev. Jesse Jackson made about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Sen. Barack Obama, during the commercial break of a Fox News interview.
After watching the clip for myself, I'm still not exactly sure what hit the floor first: my mouth or my heart. Like many around the world, it probably was a photo finish between the two.
"Why in the world would he say something like that?" I thought to myself. It wasn't long before my thoughts lead to some rather intense conversations within my network of friends. As I got in line with ambulance chasers all over the nation, God struck my heart with something. I pray it touches your heart here in this devotional today the same way it did mine.
What do you do when your prayers appear to go unanswered?
One of my favorite Biblical leaders is by far John the Baptist. John's life and destiny had been framed by God before he was even born. John was charged with the incredible responsibility to prepare the people of God for the coming ministry of Jesus Christ. While John's mission was crystal clear, it was far from simple. He spent his entire life in opposition to the religious systems of his day. His stance and unwavering message of repentance was one that led to his imprisonment. And eventually to his death.
In Matthew 11 (v.2-3), God gives you and me an opportunity to look deep into the heart of this leader:
"When John had heard (in prison) about the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, 'Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?'"
Hard to believe, isn't it? How in the world could John the Baptist, a giant of the faith, a leader of an incredible movement of resistance and change, question whether or not Jesus Christ, the Savior he had dedicated his entire life to preparing people for, was in fact the real thing?
Simple. It was because John...was in prison.
It is amazing the questions you and I can have as believers towards God when we find ourselves in "prison," and when the prayers concerning our lives seem to go unanswered by Him.
"God...why am I still single?" "Why did you allow my business to fail?""Why didn't I get that job promotion?" "Have I not been faithful?"
"Why am I in this prison?" "Are you the coming one...or do I need to look for another?"
Like John, questioning God is something many of us as believers have been guilty of. More often than not, our times of confusion as to what God may be up to can cause us to react in ways that are unhealthy to not only ourselves, but those around us. Last week was a prime example.
Here is John (sorry, I mean Jesse), a veteran civil rights leader, one who (along with many others) has helped paved the way for a new generation of leaders to have the opportunity to rise and make a lasting impact on today's society; the most prominent of which is Sen. Barack Obama.
At a time that many would argue is the twilight of his career, when so many around the world were moving behind a new voice and vehicle devoted to bringing about change...
...God may have allowed us all to look into the soul of a man who quite possibly may have been struggling with and through whom God had decided to bring about that change.
So what does God have to say to those of us, like John (sorry, I mean Jesse), who may want some answers to the prayers and pains of life we no longer feel we can bear?
Take a look back at Matthew 11 (v.5-6):
"And Jesus answered and said unto them, 'Go and tell John the things which you hear and see: The blind see, the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and to poor have the gospel preached to them. And blessed is he who is not offended because of me.'"
What an incredible response! Despite where we may believe we are in life, God unveils through His word that His plans for us may include us, but they are not just about us!
This is a clarion call to each of us as believers today to rise above our struggles and to see things from God's perspective. While He is a compassionate Father, He is also a sovereign King; one who is concerned about our personal lives, but is more concerned about His Kingdom agenda.
Today, I challenge each of us to mature in our prayer life with God. Let's rise above what we see and begin to discover what God may be up to through His perspective. Be sure to always take an examination of your heart when praying through tough circumstances.
'Cause you never know when your mic may be on!

Milan Ford is a 12-year leader (and survivor) of college and student ministry within the local church. He serves as Content Editor for Streaming Faith and as the author of "The Pew View" (, a blog for church ministry leaders.
© Streaming Faith all rights reserved.

Sunday, May 11, 2008


In "The Tipping Point?", the author points out the concessions the dictatorial junta in Myanmar has made in dealing with disgruntled citizens. Whereas before, demonstrators were either killed or imprisoned for 20 years, most now are released after a day or two.

Another point is that Buddhist monks have found the situation not to their liking. The monks lean on the populace to provide food in trade for Buddhist teaching. Since prices have increased, the giving has been down. Therefore, teaching has been less as well.

Burma is about 4% Christian. It seems as though Myanmar would be a prime candidate for evangelists to preach there. But the door has been relatively closed...until now.

With Myanmar ravaged by a cyclone and the junta unable to deal with the situation, doors will have to be opened to outside aid in order for this catastrophe not to get proportionately worse. Leading the way will be Christian organizations with fresh water, food, medical aid, and other supplies such as Bibles and missionaries waiting to talk and pray them through their grief.

God is awesome and in control. He can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants. The junta in Burma cannot keep God out of Myanmar.

In Christ,
The Miracle on Bourbon Street?

Today in church, our pastor read aloud an email he had received. The email was an account of Billy Graham leading 16,000 people from a New Orleans arena on a one-mile trek to Bourbon Street and the french quarter. As my pastor read the account, I found myself saying "yes, God" in my heart. I pumped my fist in praise. He went on to say that Billy Graham led the crowd onto Bourbon Street and led many to the Lord.

Unfortunately, the email was proven a hoax from 2006.

Am I disappointed? Yes. But, God can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants. Hope springs eternal and, if God wants to, and we, as Christians ought to, pray for revival to fall in New Orleans like Jonah going to Ninevah, then the story can become true.

In Christ,
Brian S.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm tired of rising gas prices. Or more to the point, I'm tired of the reasons that are given for rising gas prices.

Rising demand globally plus stagnant supply ... ok, I know that if demand increases while supply stays the same, that creates a shortage and prices go up, but how can a Scottish strike possibly cause a shortage at the local shell station that same day?

The truth is that prices are the way they are because oil is traded on the commodities market. Investors speculating on whether or not oil will be flowing as freely tomorrrow as it is today are causing the prices at the pump to skyrocket. If oil-related bad news (such as a Scottish labor strike at a refinery) surfaces, investors buy commodities today in hopes of selling tomorrow for high profits. How does the market reflect increasing demand for oil commodities? The price rises. As the prices of a barrel of oil rise, gas prices tend to rise also.

How do we deal with it? Take oil off the commodity market. Or better yet, do away with the commodity market altogether. Let billionaires find another game to play.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

ON THE ANVIL (by Max Lucado)

UpWords from Max Lucado
Welcome to UpWords from Max Lucado, a free devotional from, the world's largest Christian website. We honor your privacy and time. If this newsletter no longer meets your needs, please use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this newsletter and you will be removed immediately.

Week of April 25
Anvil Timeby Max Lucado
On God's anvil. Perhaps you've been there.

Melted down. Formless. Undone.
Placed on the anvil for...reshaping? (A few rough edges too many.)
Discipline? (A good father disciplines.)
Testing? (But why so hard?)

I know. I've been on it. It's rough. It's a spiritual slump, a famine.
The fire goes out.
Although the fire may flame for a moment, it soon disappears.

We drift downward. Downward into the foggy valley of question, the misty lowland of discouragement. Motivation wanes. Desire is distant. Responsibilities are depressing.

Passion? It slips out the door.
Enthusiasm? Are you kidding?

Anvil time.

It can be caused by a death, a breakup, going broke, going prayerless.
The light switch is flipped off and the room darkens.
"All the thoughtful words of help and hope have all been nicely said. But I'm still hurting, wondering....."

On the anvil.

Brought face to face with God out of the utter realization that we have nowhere else to go.
Jesus in the garden.
Peter with a tear-streaked face.
David after Bathsheba.
Elijah and the "still, small voice."
Paul, blind in Damascus.

Pound, pound, pound.

I hope you're not on the anvil. (Unless you need to be, and if so, I hope you are.)
Anvil time is not to be avoided; it's to be experienced.
Although the tunnel is dark, it does go through the mountain.
Anvil time reminds us of who we are and who God is.
We shouldn't try to escape it. To escape it could be to escape God.

God sees our life from beginning to end. He may lead us through a storm at age thirty so we can endure a hurricane at age sixty.
An instrument is useful only if it's in the right shape. A dull ax or bent screwdriver needs attention, and so do we.
A good blacksmith keeps his tools in shape. So does God.

Should God place you on his anvil, be thankful. It means he thinks you're still worth reshaping.

From On the Anvil:Stories On Being Shaped Into God's Image
This is a new edition of Max's first book. It contains an updated forward, written by him, as well as thoughtful questions for each chapter.

© (Tyndale House, 1985, 2008) Max Lucado.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I just read an article on Yahoo where President Bush, when asked what he saw in Pope Benedict's eyes (in reference to the President's statement that he saw Putin's soul in the Russian president's eyes), said he saw God.

If you look up the word "pope" in a thesaurus, one synonym it will throw out is "holy father."

Jesus said "Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9 NASB).


Sunday, April 06, 2008


The headline says it plainly: the missile defense shield will be a weapon in the future. I am not saying that President Bush is the Antichrist or will be. I am no speculating who the Antichrist is. I have no idea, to be honest, nor do I worry about it. My future is secure because I have put my faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

There are those who are reading this, however, that do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If you are one of those, then you can do something about it: put your faith in Christ!

The Bible says that we are all sinners, that we were born that way because of the curse that Adam's sin carried through to us all. The Bible also says that the wages of sin is death. This means that the cost of having unforgiven sin in your life when you die is eternal separation from God in the next life. You would be in hell.

But the Bible also says that those who place their trust in God's Son, Jesus, can be sure of their future. Jesus said to the criminal who asked Him to remember him in His kingdom, "today you will be with me in paradise."

Right now, pray to God for forgiveness for your sins. Ask Him to change your life, see things from His perspective, and start doing things His way.

Call 1-800-Need-Him to speak to someone waiting to pray with you. They're 24/7.


Friday, April 04, 2008


I just read this article on Read it, please.


Thursday, April 03, 2008

Have you ever asked yourself "how can I be an effective door-to-door minister?" Probably not. I know I didn't. My first experience with ministry was driving a van for a downtown shelter. Every other Sunday or so, I picked up whomever wanted to come to church from the shelter and drove them back afterwards. Then my wife and I went to L.A. and spent a week at the Dreamcenter. Being there opened my eyes in many ways. First, that God was working to reach everyone everywhere. Second, that there are so many needs in the world to limit yourself by tackling just a couple. Third and most important, all God wants from us is obedience and our best effort (He'll take care of the rest.)

Only until recently did I realize it's not my responsibility to save the world. Jesus Christ did that already. He's provided the way through His work on the cross. By taking that responsibility for myself, I burned out very quickly and our ministry disbanded. We moved out of town. That was almost four years ago.

Now I know my biggest mistake was trying to do God's work for Him, to "help" Him (as if He needed it) by pushing for results. All along He just wanted me to show up, give Him my best, and leave the rest to Him.

Jesus said He came to give us abundant life. He wants us to live. I'm not saying to live for yourself. No, Paul said to live is Christ, to die is gain. In other words, our lives are His. We are His vessels. What I am saying is you have to love it. The ministry has to be part of you, or rather, a showing of the work of Christ in you.

Operating in ministry under anything else than God's love and power is just flesh and therefore sin.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I was reading some older posts for this blog and came upon the one I wrote about Trenton Duckett. There's a website,, that has updates and so forth. I pray something happens for this family. Not knowing is hard.


Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just got home froom church and had to put my notes out there. The title of the sermon was "The Answer is in your gift, part 1."

(These are just the basic notes. I can get more to you if you want it. I can even get a CD to you. Just email me .)

Categories of Gifts:
1. Ministry gifts
2. Serving gifts
3. Helps gifts

Greek word for "gift" = charisma

Charisma - the favor one receives without merit of his/her own, it is divine grace.

The word "calling" is the divine invitation to use your gift.

3 levels of maturity (1 John 2:12,13)
1. Little children
2. Young men/women
3. Fathers/mothers

1. You do not decide who you are, you discover who you are.
2. You will only discover your gift with a faithful prayer life.
3. You will only discover your gift with a faithful study life.
4. There are some things that must die for you to see your gift. (In other words, you have to let go of some things that are blocking your way.)
5. The gift will be used on you first.
6. Your gift must be submitted to someone of higher rank and authority.
7. Your gift needs maintenance.
8. You must be mentoring someone else in your gift. (Reproduce yourself)
9. There are no shortcuts to this. You cannot know what God has for you (your gift) without first knowing God and who He is.

Read 1 Samuel 13:19-22 (Not everyone is armed for warfare)
Romans 11:29
2 Kings 6:1-7
1 John 2:12,13

Saturday, March 29, 2008

I've started writing again. I'm working on a fiction piece and my overall goal is to publish it no matter how bad it is. So here's chapter one, tell me what you think...

On a day not unlike any other when all was as it usually is, the end of all things normal came to be. It came at a time when it was least expected…as it is expected to. How the unexpected came to be is unusual, however. This is the story of how the unexpected brought about a choice that one man would make. That choice would determine not only his eternal fate, but those of his family, friends, and neighbors as well as anyone else who was there on that final day.
But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Chapter 1
Little Rock, Arkansas
Central Area, North American Union
The alarm went off without a shred of regret. Slowly, fighting against the desire to stay in bed, Dave hit the snooze button. Fumbling over the nightstand, his hand did not locate what he was looking for.
“Honey,” Dave whispered to his wife, “where are my glasses?”
“Where you always leave them,” came the reply.
“They’re not here.”
“Because you put them somewhere else.”
“Do you know where they are?”
Reluctantly, Dave crawled out of bed. At 33 years old, he felt pretty good. He could be in better shape, could use more hair up top, but all in all, he felt pretty good. A flip of a light-switch illuminated the bathroom. The mornings were so routine for Dave, it was as if he was on autopilot getting out of bed. To anyone else, Dave’s routines may be annoying, but, to Dave, the alternative would be annoying: chaos. Dave enjoyed his routines. They were almost a necessity for his existence. He did not like change.
Dave slipped out of his pajamas and turned the shower on. It had to be hot water. The water cascaded down his back between the shoulder blades. He could feel his muscles begin to unwind, the tension in his joints loosening. As he slowly turned to let the water drench his body, Dave’s mind drifted to recent events on the world stage.
A few years ago, Congress had passed a bill that was sent to the fifty then-United States for ratification. The bill was an amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America that allowed the nation to join a new organization. The idea was to combine the United States with Canada and Mexico to create a trade union to better compete with the European Union and China. The amendment was ratified unanimously.
Within a year, however, more and more powers were taken from the countries’ governments and ceded to the new union in order to be more efficient and streamline existing systems. Crossing into and out of Mexico from the United States was now a matter of stopping at a station resembling a toll booth and allowing a border officer to scan your DNA. Instantly, a person’s entire profile, their credit history, their recent purchases, any criminal activity, was cross-referenced with a database of known terrorists and suspected accomplices. This system made crossing into and out the three countries as smooth as quicksilver.
There had been some protesting at the beginning of the outlay of the new DNA identification system, almost entirely from religious circles. But eventually, reason won out… especially when the North American tribunal made anyone not allowing DNA samples to be taken and catalogued a felon.
The Presidents of the United States and Mexico along with the Prime Minister of Canada were demoted to regional governors in job if not in title two years after. All law-making authority along with chief command of all armed forces from the three nations were ceded as well to the North American Union, also known as the NAU. At that point, in essence, the United States of America, along with the sovereign nations of Canada and Mexico, ceased to exist.
On the world scene, in the Middle East, final preparations on a treaty that would unify Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Israel, and the new nation-state of Palestine into a single trade union (prematurely called the United Arab Union by the Arab countries) was reportedly close to being finished. The Knesset in Israel was holding out for the name to be the Middle Eastern Union. Negotiations were deadlocked currently with Israel balking over land rights. It was only after the chief negotiator from the United Nations, former Italian lawmaker Peter Romani, became involved that stalled talks resumed. The document creating a trade union in the Middle East was signed by all members and the Middle Eastern Union was born.
“Are you almost done?” The voice was muffled through the door, but his wife’s tone was apparent: he had been too long and was now cutting into her shower time not to mention her hot water.
Dave shook his head quickly. How long had he been in the shower?
“Almost,” he yelled back. He quickly turned the water off, got out of the shower and toweled off. He met his wife’s angry eyes with a slight grin as he opened the shower door.
“Good morning, hon.” He tried a peck on her cheek, but Meg was in the bathroom and slamming the door while Dave was in motion.
“Good morning to you, too,” Dave muttered under his breath as he trudged back to the bedroom to get his clothes. Just another beautiful Monday.
Meg turned the shower on all the way to hot hoping her husband didn’t use all the hot water. As the water poured from the shower head, heat forced much of the water into steam.
“There are miracles today,” she thought as she turned the temperature back to warm feeling secure there was enough hot water to take a good shower. As she undressed and stepped in, Meg’s mind started walking through her day. Breakfast, get their son, Sam, off to school; finish the laundry started the night before, the list seemed to go on and on. It made her tired to just think about it all. She didn’t have much time to dwell on it, however, once the water became icy cold.
“Mitchell!”, the voice wave barreled down the hallway and straight into and up Dave’s spine. Late again.
Dave quickly walked up to his boss’s office door. A light knock on the door succeeded the icy invitation to enter.
“About time you got here, Mitchell, “the man growled, “Most of us have to work for a living, you know.” The man, John Watson, was a man in his upper 50s, well-groomed, educated, and not very happy at the moment. “Sit down.”
Dave quickly sat in the chair in front of the desk. He found himself face to face with the man who was not only his supervisor but also his friend.
“Sorry I was late this morning, sir, “Dave said.
“Cut the crap, Dave, “John replied, “let’s just get to it.” Just like John, Dave thought, to cut right to the heart of the matter. “You’re a good reporter, Dave..”
“Which is why you love me…”
“But I have to let you go.”
Dave’s world just went into a tailspin. No way he just heard that he was fired. “What?”
“I have to let you go.”
“With this global NewsNet online now, the paper can’t afford to pay your salary.”
The global NewsNet, the combined resources of the recently merged CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, was the dreaded giant of the news industry. Printed news was soon to be all-but-dead in the wake of this internet monster, and now it was here. In Dave’s face. Taking his job.
“I’m sorry” was all John could manage. “I wish there was another way.”
“All he said was the paper couldn’t afford my salary, “Dave said.
Dave had dialed his wife just as he left the building. He knew she’d have questions, but the next one threw him off a little: “What did you do wrong? Were you late again?”
Dave loathed questions. He was always afraid of saying something incriminating even though he is innocent and no one has accused him of anything. Still, he just knew one day he’d be before a judge, asked the wrong questions by a slick lawyer and be sentenced to life for any crime a prosecutor could imagine. Hey, Dave thought, many movies and stories had been written based on the innocent person going to jail or worse, being put to death. He felt his head was on the chopping block now.
“Yes, I was a little late again this morning, “Dave managed, “but I don’t think that had anything to do with it.”
“What are we going to do?” Meg was sounding frantic and Dave wished he hadn’t called her. “I don’t have a job and Sam’s tuition is due this week.”
The tuition. Dave had heard all he wanted to hear about this. His son, Sam, attended a private Christian school. The tuition was hefty, but Meg swore it was worth it. Neither she nor Dave were qualified to handle Sam’s education (in other words, home-school him), so a private school was the way to go. Public education seemed to be going down a one-way road, a slippery road headed downhill, since the NAU took control of all matters. The NAU favored a “level playing field” approach to education: the same for everyone. It seemed to be a takeoff of “The No Child Left Behind” approach of the beginning of the century. Dave felt it all boiled down to the socialist philosophies the world’s leaders were adopting.
“I’ll work it out.”
“How? We don’t have any money!” Yes, Meg was frantic now.
“End call.” The line went silent. Dave stuck the earpiece back in his pocket.“What am I going to do now?” Dave muttered under his breath.
The drive home seemed the last thing Dave wanted to take, so he opted for a drive through the city instead. For one reason, to scan for “help wanted” signs and, also, to clear his mind and try to analyze what had happened this morning. It just occurred to Dave that the word “analyze” began with the word “anal,” and he couldn’t help but smile. Out of work and still making jokes. What was wrong with him? This was a very serious problem facing him. In fact, it was the problem that all men feared facing: not being able to provide for their families.
Still, he felt like everything would be fine. It had to be, didn’t it? After all, if it wouldn’t be fine, then he and his family were all in very big trouble. A sharp pain of panic gripped him. How would they eat? Pay rent? All of a sudden, life was anything but good and Dave had nowhere to turn.
Heading out of town, Dave pulled off the road onto a shoulder. As his car came to a stop, Dave gripped the steering wheel so hard his fingers hurt.
“God,” he prayed aloud, “we’ve reached a dead end and I don’t know what to do. You’ve provided for us before and I know You will do it now. Help me through my fear, in Jesus’ Name, amen.” In his heart, Dave knew God heard him.
Monday mornings on Capital Hill are anything but routine. And this morning is no exception. Senator Glenn Thomas felt like he had seen it all when the NAU was created some years back. Then the tribunal took control of more and more until it seemed Congress was little more than a puppet on the stage with no idea who was pulling the strings. Most of the congressmen and congresswomen felt the strings were being pulled by the tribunal, yet there were some who thought there might be something or someone behind the scenes, the real puppet master. But it was all conspiracy talk and Glenn had no time for such speculations.
Glenn became a congressman at the age of 40 when he was appointed by the governor of Arkansas to replace Melanie Olson, who abdicated her chair after charges of corruption were brought forward. As a rookie politician on the national stage, Glenn learned early to keep his head down and not ask questions. After Glenn was re-elected time and time again, however, he gained a boldness that caused him to speak out in hearings and question the motives of others. His straight talk and “no bull” campaigns earned him chairs in various committees and there had once been talk about a run for the White House, but that was 27 years ago. Today, Senator Glenn Thomas is 67 years old and seriously contemplating his retirement from politics.
“Mornin’, Mike,” Glenn offered as he entered his office using his Arkansas drawl. He was amazed that he felt pride in keeping his accent despite living with the Yankees in Washington.
“Good morning, Mr. Senator,” responded Michael.
Michael Turpin, Glenn Thomas’ assistant, rose from his desk to greet his boss. “Have you read the news this morning, sir?”
“I haven’t seen my paper yet.”
“I meant on the NewsNet, sir.” The Senator hated technology. Especially computers.
“Again, no. Why? What’s up?”
“New directives from the tribunal will be announced soon, sir. Rumor is that it’s major.”
Glenn reminisced to himself of a time when the people made the laws and Congress was their voice. Now, the tribunal made policy and Congress was little more than a daycare for old hat politicians waiting to retire.
“How soon?”
“Within the hour.”
Meg just could not believe it. Her husband. Their provider. Unemployed. She wanted to be angry with Dave, but deep down she knew he was doing his best. Except for being late nearly every Monday. Couldn’t he have just left earlier on Monday mornings? She pushed those thoughts out of her mind. She had her own agenda today and this crisis would not be going anywhere soon. She may as well do her duty today. What else would she do? Sit around all day and worry? What good would that do? Didn’t Jesus say that she should just worry for today? That tomorrow would have enough worries of its own?
“Sam,” she called out, “let’s go, honey, time for school.”
“I don’t want to go, “came the response.