Sunday, April 06, 2008


The headline says it plainly: the missile defense shield will be a weapon in the future. I am not saying that President Bush is the Antichrist or will be. I am no speculating who the Antichrist is. I have no idea, to be honest, nor do I worry about it. My future is secure because I have put my faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

There are those who are reading this, however, that do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. If you are one of those, then you can do something about it: put your faith in Christ!

The Bible says that we are all sinners, that we were born that way because of the curse that Adam's sin carried through to us all. The Bible also says that the wages of sin is death. This means that the cost of having unforgiven sin in your life when you die is eternal separation from God in the next life. You would be in hell.

But the Bible also says that those who place their trust in God's Son, Jesus, can be sure of their future. Jesus said to the criminal who asked Him to remember him in His kingdom, "today you will be with me in paradise."

Right now, pray to God for forgiveness for your sins. Ask Him to change your life, see things from His perspective, and start doing things His way.

Call 1-800-Need-Him to speak to someone waiting to pray with you. They're 24/7.


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