Monday, September 22, 2008

Conversations with Atheists

I've gotten involved with a couple of youtubers over this mcdonalds boycott video (see below). One proclaims the Bible cannot be proven true because the Bible says it is and the other says the Bible is full of contradictions, then changes his/her mind. I haven't talked to either one since.

(Youtube poster #1)
just a note to the "48% who agree with scripture":your scripture is written by humans, with no inspiration from the divine. and even though you shroud your stance by hiding behind the words of long-since-dead men, that doesn't make you any less of a bigot.are you hateful? yes. yes you are.

2 Timothy Chapter 3 verse 16 and 17: "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."

(Youtube poster#1)
brian:first, you cannot prove the bible is true by showing us that the bible SAYS it is true. besides, we all know the koran has been given to us as a more updated set of commands. would you like me to cite you where the koran says that its words take precedence over those of the bible as evidence of this? (LOL)and on a related note, 2 timothy was written long before it or any other future NT writings would ever be considered "scripture". the human church decided what would be "scripture".

(Youtube poster #2)
That's circular logic for ya. Because the Bible SAYS it was written by God and is the ultimate truth, it MUST be! That's like me saying my mother was a horse. Whelp, I said it, you gotta believe me doncha? It must be true!I think the Bible has a lot of good teachings in it that we should follow simply because it's good advice. But there are also so many blatant contradictions it's impossible to follow the whole thing righteously.

Give me an example of a contradiction and I will discuss it with you. I challenge you, however, to find this contradiction yourself. Think for yourself rather than jumping on a bandwagon. And, before anyone accuses me of jumping on the bandwagon too, the reason for the boycott is because McDonalds has chosen a side against us. Therefore, we're not eating there until McD's goes neutral. Anyway, enjoy getting fat.

(Youtube poster#2)
Ok... I take back what I said about the contradictions. Apparently most of those are due to translation error, which naturally happens frequently between Hebrew/Greek and English. Circular logic still stands, however.I was unaware of this "sides" thing going on. Are you talking about Homosexuality vs. Christianity? Because that's ridiculous. Homosexuality is not a religion, it's a sexual orientation. And Christianity is not about hating gays, it's about loving your fellow man. Think, WWJD?

You know, good question. What WOULD Jesus do? I know what He DID do. He gave His life willingly on the cross to pay for the sins of man that whoever would believe would be saved (John 3:16). The Bible tells us that the teachers of Israel despised Jesus Christ for eating with and talking to sinners. He responded by saying the healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick do. Jesus would do what we all do, love the sinner, hate the sin. Homosexuality is a choice that is an abomination to God.

Like I said, I haven't heard from either one since.

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