Friday, April 28, 2006

I just heard on CNN about boycotts on May 1. These boycotts are from those who feel any "criminalization" of illegal immigrants is wrong. The Mexican government apparently is also involved calling for boycotts. Ok, the key word in illegal immigratation is illegal. It is against the law to be here in the United States. There is a right way and a wrong way. If you are here illegally, you are breaking the law. A person who breaks the law is a criminal. Illegal immigrants are criminals. Simple logic.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

It seems too easy to me. Two steps to fixing this out-of-control train called our economy: (1) passing the FairTax Act (check it out at and begin using (once it's widely available to all vehicles) a mostly-ethanol mixture for fuel. This would re-ignite the economy (something that needs to happen now that China is number 1, if not number 2) and decrease the U.S.'s dependence on foreign oil.

Any thoughts? Agree or disagree, let's talk.


Friday, April 21, 2006

Hello, World!

Some quick shots of where I stand on topics.

Relationship with Jesus Christ - the only way to heaven.
Religion - bad for you.
Taxes - they need to change.
Abortion - hate it.
Gas Prices - gouging is taking place, Exxon, Shell, OPEC...taking their customers for millions.
Politics - mostly conservative with a little bit of Green
Afghanistan - Free Afghanistan from terrorists? Good idea. U.S. become occupying force? Bad idea.
Iraq - see Afghanistan, replace terrorists with Saddam Hussein
Iran - U.S. forces are stretched thin already. Would there be a draft to fight a war in Iran?

Remember Jesus is Lord.
