Tuesday, May 15, 2012

An Audacious Idea

Here's an idea: churches working together!  And I even have a plan!
I attend a church Lighthouse Christian Fellowship in Somerville, Indiana.  We are partnering with Crossroads Baptist Church this summer to host a back-to-school backpack giveaway.

My question: why stop there?

Here's the concept: Gibson County is divided into 3 school districts: East, South, and North.  The county is even divided more into 10 townships.  Within each one of those townships, one church would align with a church from each of the other townships.  This would create a co-op of 10 churches within Gibson County working together to transform Gibson County!  The 10 churches would meet on a semi-regular basis to coordinate and chart community events and joint worship services for the county.  Sounds too easy, doesn't it?  Well, this is what God has shown me.

Once the co-op is firmly underway, we would begin looking at neighboring counties to do the same thing.  Adjacent to Gibson County are Edwards, White, and Wabash counties in Illinois.  In Indiana, Knox, Pike, Warrick, Posey, and Vanderburgh are our neighbors.

Like I said...audacious.

Here we go.

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