The youtubing atheists have returned. At least one of them has: youtuber #2. Here we go...
Even if homosexuality was a choice, why are you doing the exact opposite of what you're saying Jesus did? 1 Peter 4:15 "But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters." When you start telling other people how they should live their lives and forcing your doctrine upon them, you are not helping them.This boycott is pointless. You're enforcing bigotry and bringing people down, when you should be building them up.
Wow. Now you're using Scripture for your arguments? You don't agree with the Bible, but will use it for your purposes? As for forcing doctrine, isn't that what McDonalds is doing by promoting that lifestyle? And the boycott is not pointless. The point is that McDonalds should stick to making Big Macs. Period. The boycott is about nothing else to me.
And if you wanna talk about so-called "choice", how many teenagers have killed themselves upon realizing they were gay, because it'd been driven into their heads from birth that it was immoral and wrong? If it was a choice, why wouldn't they just choose to not be gay if it was so bad?In Leviticus 20:13, "abomination" came from the Hebrew word "to'ebah" which was translated into "bdelygma"- ritual impurity. Which lumps it into the same category as eating shellfish, etc. Not applicable anymore.
This is from a book review of "Helminiak: Lying for Gays." It's found at This is from the fifth paragraph. "Then we come to Helminiak's best lie. His word study of toevah and bdelygma on p. 64-65. Toevah is the Hebrew word usually translated as abomination and bdelygma is the Septuagint Greek equivalent translation. Toevah is used in the Levitical prohibitions on male-male sex in Lev 18:22 and 20:13. He confidently asserts that toevah means "what is culturally or ritually forbidden" it is not a sin. He then compounds the error by saying that the Greek translation bdelygma, which he says, means a "ritual offense". When I looked up the meaning of the words toevah and bdelygma, the actual meanings of these two words is nowhere near as narrow as Helminiak implies. Toevah can be used in both a ritual and a moral sense, the same as bdelygma. In Lev 18:26-30 toevah is used four times and refers to adultery, child-sacrifice, male-male intercourse and bestiality (in Lev 18:20-23), bdelygma translates toevah in three of these verses. In the New Testament bdelygma is used of the "abomination of desolation" (Mat 24:15)."
Your argument is not new, do you have anything else?
The sad part is that youtuber#2 is just using other people's ideas and making them his/her own. We'll see what they come up with next.