Monday, October 02, 2006

In times such as these, I know beyond any doubt that we are living in what the Bible calls "the end times," or "last days." However you call it, I'm talking about the second coming of Jesus the Christ to rapture His church out of the earth before the 7-year tribulation begins.

Now I am not one to speculate about times, dates, or persons, but I will give my views on what the Bible teaches. But that's for later. Now, I feel it's time to do first things first. If you are reading this, it's not because of chance. It's not because you sat down at a computer and typed this specific address. It's because you were led here for a reason: to read the plan of salvation for your soul.

First, we're sinners, all of us. You, me, everyone. The Bible says that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." You must realize this. It is the most important thing for you to do right now. You must admit that you are not perfect. You've heard of the Ten Commandments? Find them in the Bible. If you have violated just one commandment one time in your life, you're a sinner. That's the truth. It gets worse.

Second, there is a price for being a sinner. I'm not talking about being caught in doing something wrong and being punished. I'm talking about dying in your unforgiven sins and your soul being sent to hell to be punished forever. And there is no end to this punishment. It is called eternal, as in neverending. The Bible says "the wages (cost, price) of sin is death." What death means is what Jesus calls "the second death." It's eternal separation from God in hell. You would no longer be able to call to Him for help. No more chances. You'd be banished from His presence forever.

But we don't have to fear this "second death" nor the first death if our hearts are right with God. If your heart is right with God, you know that God's Son, Jesus of Nazareth, died on the cross 2,000 years ago. You know His death paid that "death price" that was on your head for your sins. If you don't know He did this for you, pray this prayer:

Dear Jesus,

I know I'm a sinner. I know you paid the price for my sins. I want to live the rest of my life for you. Show me by Your Holy Spirit what you would have me do. My heart belongs to you now. Thank you for saving me.

In Jesus's Name.

Please email me with any questions you may have. An awesome resourse for all christians is 1-800-NEED-HIM. Please call that number. They have helped me in times past.

Stay strong and in the Word of God and remember our strength comes from the joy of the Lord.


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