Here's some more stuff from the Presbyterian's website. This is a paper on expanding the theology of the Trinity. It says that the theology of the Trinity is "rooted in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Being rooted, it is therefore safe, the paper goes on to say, to "explore" new ways of expressing God through the Trinity. One of the ways, but not the only one, is to use a female gender-view of the Trinity to express God's maternal side. It is expressed through the words "mother, child, and life-giving womb."
Don't be misled by this. As I said in an earlier letter, this is an attempt to discredit Jesus and His work. It seems harmless, but I promise this is another step to "toleration" and "peace among religions" in the name of harmony and freedom. What this paper is proposing will one day prove to be a major stepping-stone in creating an all-inclusive religion where all religions know some truth and no one religion has all the truth.
Mark my words.
This is from the aforementioned paper.
A Plenitude of Images of the Trinity 382
Recognizing that all language about the triune God refers beyond itself by way of analogy, we draw on 383
scripture and our confessions to speak of the triune God in historically faithful yet freshly imaginative 384
ways. The analogies employed in the following list have not been chosen at random. They are guided by 385
God’s self-revelation as attested in scripture. Some triads have a narrative quality; others are drawn from 386
creation. Three guidelines have been followed: 1) in each case the three terms must have an inner 387
relationship; 2) the terms must either be personal or functional—the two should not be mixed; and 3) 388
functional Trinitarian language should be understood to amplify and enrich our understanding of God—it 389
cannot replace personal language. 390
While classical trinitarian theology speaks of the “first, second, and third” persons of the Trinity, scripture 391
also refers to the three in other patterns, as in the apostolic benediction which invokes “the grace of the 392
Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit” (2 Cor 13:13). 393
As we worship, the triune God is the One From Whom, the One through Whom, and the One in 394
Whom we offer our praise (Rom 11:36). 395
As we seek God’s grace and wholeness, acknowledging the sin and brokenness in us, our human 397
communities, and the whole creation, the triune God is our Rainbow of Promise, our Ark of 398
Salvation, and our Dove of Peace (From Gail Ramshaw, Koinonia: Services and Prayers 399
(Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 2004). 400
As we read, proclaim, hear, and live out the message of scripture, the triune God is known to us 402
as Speaker, Word, and Breath (Heb 1:1; Jn 1:1; Jn 20:22; Ps 104:30). 403
In baptism, the triune God is for us Overflowing Font, Living Water, Flowing River (Book of 405
Common Worship, p.412; Jn 4:10, 13-14; Jn 7:37). 406
As we are born anew by water and the Spirit, the triune God is Compassionate Mother, Beloved 408
Child, and Life-giving Womb (Isa 49:15; Mt. 3:17; Isa 46:3). 409
As we grow in grace, the triune God is our Sun, Light, and Burning Ray (John of Damascus, First 411
Apology). 412
As we offer ourselves, our resources, and our gratitude in stewardship and Eucharist, the triune 414
God is Giver, Gift, and Giving (Jas 1:17; Jn 3:16; 2 Cor 9:15; 1 Jn 3:24). 415
In celebrating the communion of our life together in Christ, the triune God is Lover, Beloved, and 417
the Love and binds together Lover and Beloved (Augustine, The Trinity). 418
As members of the believing community, we acknowledge the triune God as our Rock, 420
Cornerstone, and Temple (Ps 28:1; Eph 2:20-21). 421
When we speak of God’s wrath in the face of evil, the triune God is for us Fire that Consumes, 423
Sword that Divides, and Storm that Melts Mountains (Deut 5:25; Mt 10:34-35; Ps 97:5). 424
As we seek to live in faith, love, and hope, the triune God is for us the One Who Was, the One 426
Who Is, and the One Who Is To Come (Rev 4:8). 427
In these and other ways we stammer to confess that the triune God is an inexhaustible mystery of 429
purifying and transforming love. God abides in eternal communion. Divine life is giving and receiving, 430
sharing and delighting in reciprocal love. Abundant, overflowing love is the glory, majesty, and beauty of 431
the triune God. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we are 432
invited to participate in the eternal life of the triune God who is love (1 Jn 4: 8). 433
We must always bear in mind that Scripture affirms Jesus Christ is the very image of God. This means the 435
Triune God has chosen to reveal the Divine identity in the life and work of Jesus Christ. Christ is the 436
mystery of our salvation and the revelation of God to the world.
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
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