In the wake of globalization and the opening of new markets, trade agreements and treaties have created trade blocs and unions such as the European Union. The European Union was created based on the desire of European nation-states to be more competitive and have more of a say on international matters. What has come into being, however, is a political force, not just for trade but also for political matters. The EU came into being to be a counterweight to the United States. Ironically, the United States may become one of a three-nation “North American Union” with Mexico and Canada.
The issues facing the United States in the North American region do not seem to warrant creating a three-nation free trade bloc. These days, illegal immigration is a hot bed for political debate as is the outsourcing of American jobs and unemployment in the United States. Yet creating a free trade bloc between the US, Canada, and Mexico is on the agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations.
What is the benefit of creating a North American Union for the United States? I fail to see it. What I do see is the sectionalizing of the world. More and more, the world is being broken down and rebuilt. It happened in Europe. There is an African union. It will happen in the Middle East. This is why it is so important for the Middle East to be peaceful. In order for there to be a “Middle Eastern Union,” the member nations must be at peace with one another. This point is made by Bradley R. Gitz in the June 25, 2006 edition of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette (“Democracies have more rights”). He says that dictatorships (non-democracies) are the hurdle between where the world is now and the future state of democratic law (new world order?). He was speaking of Iran and North Korea, but you can include any political hotspot on the planet as a “hurdle”: Cuba, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. Remove the hurdles and it’s clear sailing to the future emergence of unions around the world.
What then? First, the role of the United Nations will change from an organization of many member states to an umbrella organization of unions, a super-union that is a conglomeration of the lesser, regional trade unions. The excuse will be to make the UN more efficient. Eventually, the power of the regional unions would be gone and only the UN in the role of super-union would be left to govern (or is it rule?) the world.
This is what was reported on the Council on Foreign Relations website:
Task Force Urges Measures to Strengthen North American Competitiveness, Expand Trade, Ensure Border Security
May 17, 2005Council on Foreign Relations (
May 17, 2005--North America is vulnerable on several fronts: the region faces terrorist and criminal security threats, increased economic competition from abroad, and uneven economic development at home. In response to these challenges, a trinational, Independent Task Force on the Future of North America has developed a roadmap to promote North American security and advance the well-being of citizens of all three countries.
When the leaders of Canada, Mexico, and the United States met in Texas recently they underscored the deep ties and shared principles of the three countries. The Council-sponsored Task Force applauds the announced "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America," but proposes a more ambitious vision of a new community by 2010 and specific recommendations on how to achieve it.
Pointing to increased competition from the European Union and rising economic powers such as India and China in the eleven years since NAFTA took effect, co-chair Pedro C. Aspe, former Finance Minister of Mexico, said, "We need a vision for North America to address the new challenges." The Task Force establishes a blueprint for a powerhouse North American trading area that allows for the seamless movement of goods, increased labor mobility, and energy security.
"We are asking the leaders of the United States, Mexico, and Canada to be bold and adopt a vision of the future that is bigger than, and beyond, the immediate problems of the present," said co-chair John P. Manley, Former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. "They could be the architects of a new community of North America, not mere custodians of the status quo."
At a time of political transition in Canada and Mexico, the Task Force proposes new ideas to cope with continental challenges that should be the focus of debate in those two countries as well as the United States. To ensure a free, secure, just, and prosperous North America, the Task Force proposes a number of specific measures:
Make North America safer:
Establish a common security perimeter by 2010.
Develop a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers.
Develop a unified border action plan and expand border customs facilities.
Create a single economic space:
Adopt a common external tariff.
Allow for the seamless movement of goods within North America.
Move to full labor mobility between Canada and the U.S.
Develop a North American energy strategy that gives greater emphasis to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases -- a regional alternative to Kyoto.
Review those sectors of NAFTA that were excluded.
Develop and implement a North American regulatory plan that would include "open skies and open roads" and a unified approach for protecting consumers on food, health, and the environment.
Expand temporary worker programs and create a "North American preference" for immigration for citizens of North America.
Spread benefits more evenly:
Establish a North American Investment Fund to build infrastructure to connect Mexico's poorer regions in the south to the market to the north.
Restructure and reform Mexico's public finances.
Fully develop Mexican energy resources to make greater use of international technology and capital.
Institutionalize the partnership:
Establish a permanent tribunal for trade and investment disputes.
Convene an annual North American summit meeting.
Establish a Tri-national Competition Commission to develop a common approach to trade remedies.
Expand scholarships to study in the three countries and develop a network of Centers for North American Studies.
Under the heading of “Make North America Safer” above, there are three goals listed. The second is to “develop a North American Border Pass with biometric identifiers.” What exactly would those “biometric identifiers” be? I am afraid that if I investigate a little, I will find that the plan will call for a single chip to be placed under the skin that will serve as a single I.D. at the borders. A wand would be waved over the area the chip is located and information gleaned from the chip would be matched against a database for background information such as criminal records or terrorism connections. Read Revelations chapter 13 for information on the mark of the beast.
Under the final heading, “Institutionalize the partnership,” it is clear that this section calls for a definite organization to be created as in a “North American Union.” In other words, make it an official organization with powers to govern whatever matters are dictated to it: first, trade matters, then what?
In the book of Daniel in the Bible, Daniel sees in a vision “a little horn” that comes from “ten horns” on a beast. These ten horns are explained to be ten kings. These “kings” could also be secretaries of these regional trade unions. This little horn is another king that arises from among them. It is said that he will subdue three kings and will rule for “a year, two years, and half a year” or three and a half years.
Watch this now. The world will soon be divided into ten regions, the regional trade unions.
1. The European Union
2. The African Union
3. The North American Union
4. The South American Union
5. The Middle Eastern Union
6. The Central American Union
7. The Asian Union
8. Etc.
Of course, I do not know exactly how the lines would be drawn, but I do promise it will happen. Be reassured this is all prophesied so it is all in God’s plan. Read your Bible. The end is now in sight. Be ready.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Here's some more stuff from the Presbyterian's website. This is a paper on expanding the theology of the Trinity. It says that the theology of the Trinity is "rooted in the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." Being rooted, it is therefore safe, the paper goes on to say, to "explore" new ways of expressing God through the Trinity. One of the ways, but not the only one, is to use a female gender-view of the Trinity to express God's maternal side. It is expressed through the words "mother, child, and life-giving womb."
Don't be misled by this. As I said in an earlier letter, this is an attempt to discredit Jesus and His work. It seems harmless, but I promise this is another step to "toleration" and "peace among religions" in the name of harmony and freedom. What this paper is proposing will one day prove to be a major stepping-stone in creating an all-inclusive religion where all religions know some truth and no one religion has all the truth.
Mark my words.
This is from the aforementioned paper.
A Plenitude of Images of the Trinity 382
Recognizing that all language about the triune God refers beyond itself by way of analogy, we draw on 383
scripture and our confessions to speak of the triune God in historically faithful yet freshly imaginative 384
ways. The analogies employed in the following list have not been chosen at random. They are guided by 385
God’s self-revelation as attested in scripture. Some triads have a narrative quality; others are drawn from 386
creation. Three guidelines have been followed: 1) in each case the three terms must have an inner 387
relationship; 2) the terms must either be personal or functional—the two should not be mixed; and 3) 388
functional Trinitarian language should be understood to amplify and enrich our understanding of God—it 389
cannot replace personal language. 390
While classical trinitarian theology speaks of the “first, second, and third” persons of the Trinity, scripture 391
also refers to the three in other patterns, as in the apostolic benediction which invokes “the grace of the 392
Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit” (2 Cor 13:13). 393
As we worship, the triune God is the One From Whom, the One through Whom, and the One in 394
Whom we offer our praise (Rom 11:36). 395
As we seek God’s grace and wholeness, acknowledging the sin and brokenness in us, our human 397
communities, and the whole creation, the triune God is our Rainbow of Promise, our Ark of 398
Salvation, and our Dove of Peace (From Gail Ramshaw, Koinonia: Services and Prayers 399
(Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 2004). 400
As we read, proclaim, hear, and live out the message of scripture, the triune God is known to us 402
as Speaker, Word, and Breath (Heb 1:1; Jn 1:1; Jn 20:22; Ps 104:30). 403
In baptism, the triune God is for us Overflowing Font, Living Water, Flowing River (Book of 405
Common Worship, p.412; Jn 4:10, 13-14; Jn 7:37). 406
As we are born anew by water and the Spirit, the triune God is Compassionate Mother, Beloved 408
Child, and Life-giving Womb (Isa 49:15; Mt. 3:17; Isa 46:3). 409
As we grow in grace, the triune God is our Sun, Light, and Burning Ray (John of Damascus, First 411
Apology). 412
As we offer ourselves, our resources, and our gratitude in stewardship and Eucharist, the triune 414
God is Giver, Gift, and Giving (Jas 1:17; Jn 3:16; 2 Cor 9:15; 1 Jn 3:24). 415
In celebrating the communion of our life together in Christ, the triune God is Lover, Beloved, and 417
the Love and binds together Lover and Beloved (Augustine, The Trinity). 418
As members of the believing community, we acknowledge the triune God as our Rock, 420
Cornerstone, and Temple (Ps 28:1; Eph 2:20-21). 421
When we speak of God’s wrath in the face of evil, the triune God is for us Fire that Consumes, 423
Sword that Divides, and Storm that Melts Mountains (Deut 5:25; Mt 10:34-35; Ps 97:5). 424
As we seek to live in faith, love, and hope, the triune God is for us the One Who Was, the One 426
Who Is, and the One Who Is To Come (Rev 4:8). 427
In these and other ways we stammer to confess that the triune God is an inexhaustible mystery of 429
purifying and transforming love. God abides in eternal communion. Divine life is giving and receiving, 430
sharing and delighting in reciprocal love. Abundant, overflowing love is the glory, majesty, and beauty of 431
the triune God. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we are 432
invited to participate in the eternal life of the triune God who is love (1 Jn 4: 8). 433
We must always bear in mind that Scripture affirms Jesus Christ is the very image of God. This means the 435
Triune God has chosen to reveal the Divine identity in the life and work of Jesus Christ. Christ is the 436
mystery of our salvation and the revelation of God to the world.
Don't be misled by this. As I said in an earlier letter, this is an attempt to discredit Jesus and His work. It seems harmless, but I promise this is another step to "toleration" and "peace among religions" in the name of harmony and freedom. What this paper is proposing will one day prove to be a major stepping-stone in creating an all-inclusive religion where all religions know some truth and no one religion has all the truth.
Mark my words.
This is from the aforementioned paper.
A Plenitude of Images of the Trinity 382
Recognizing that all language about the triune God refers beyond itself by way of analogy, we draw on 383
scripture and our confessions to speak of the triune God in historically faithful yet freshly imaginative 384
ways. The analogies employed in the following list have not been chosen at random. They are guided by 385
God’s self-revelation as attested in scripture. Some triads have a narrative quality; others are drawn from 386
creation. Three guidelines have been followed: 1) in each case the three terms must have an inner 387
relationship; 2) the terms must either be personal or functional—the two should not be mixed; and 3) 388
functional Trinitarian language should be understood to amplify and enrich our understanding of God—it 389
cannot replace personal language. 390
While classical trinitarian theology speaks of the “first, second, and third” persons of the Trinity, scripture 391
also refers to the three in other patterns, as in the apostolic benediction which invokes “the grace of the 392
Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit” (2 Cor 13:13). 393
As we worship, the triune God is the One From Whom, the One through Whom, and the One in 394
Whom we offer our praise (Rom 11:36). 395
As we seek God’s grace and wholeness, acknowledging the sin and brokenness in us, our human 397
communities, and the whole creation, the triune God is our Rainbow of Promise, our Ark of 398
Salvation, and our Dove of Peace (From Gail Ramshaw, Koinonia: Services and Prayers 399
(Geneva: Lutheran World Federation, 2004). 400
As we read, proclaim, hear, and live out the message of scripture, the triune God is known to us 402
as Speaker, Word, and Breath (Heb 1:1; Jn 1:1; Jn 20:22; Ps 104:30). 403
In baptism, the triune God is for us Overflowing Font, Living Water, Flowing River (Book of 405
Common Worship, p.412; Jn 4:10, 13-14; Jn 7:37). 406
As we are born anew by water and the Spirit, the triune God is Compassionate Mother, Beloved 408
Child, and Life-giving Womb (Isa 49:15; Mt. 3:17; Isa 46:3). 409
As we grow in grace, the triune God is our Sun, Light, and Burning Ray (John of Damascus, First 411
Apology). 412
As we offer ourselves, our resources, and our gratitude in stewardship and Eucharist, the triune 414
God is Giver, Gift, and Giving (Jas 1:17; Jn 3:16; 2 Cor 9:15; 1 Jn 3:24). 415
In celebrating the communion of our life together in Christ, the triune God is Lover, Beloved, and 417
the Love and binds together Lover and Beloved (Augustine, The Trinity). 418
As members of the believing community, we acknowledge the triune God as our Rock, 420
Cornerstone, and Temple (Ps 28:1; Eph 2:20-21). 421
When we speak of God’s wrath in the face of evil, the triune God is for us Fire that Consumes, 423
Sword that Divides, and Storm that Melts Mountains (Deut 5:25; Mt 10:34-35; Ps 97:5). 424
As we seek to live in faith, love, and hope, the triune God is for us the One Who Was, the One 426
Who Is, and the One Who Is To Come (Rev 4:8). 427
In these and other ways we stammer to confess that the triune God is an inexhaustible mystery of 429
purifying and transforming love. God abides in eternal communion. Divine life is giving and receiving, 430
sharing and delighting in reciprocal love. Abundant, overflowing love is the glory, majesty, and beauty of 431
the triune God. By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we are 432
invited to participate in the eternal life of the triune God who is love (1 Jn 4: 8). 433
We must always bear in mind that Scripture affirms Jesus Christ is the very image of God. This means the 435
Triune God has chosen to reveal the Divine identity in the life and work of Jesus Christ. Christ is the 436
mystery of our salvation and the revelation of God to the world.
Found this on the Presbyterian Church's (USA) website...
There's more news, but this is the next step in the Trinity controversy...
You can read more yourself at this site.
GA acts on Trinity paper
Assembly votes to 'receive' and commend to the church
by Bill Lancaster
BIRMINGHAM, June 19 — The 217th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved a recommendation today to receive and commend to the church for study the paper, "The Trinity: God's Love Overflowing." The vote was 282 to 212, with 7 abstentions.
The original recommendation from the General Assembly Council called for the Assembly to approve the paper. An amendment during the debate changed the word to "receive" when some commissioners expressed concern that the word approve meant endorsement. While a majority of the commissioners were uncertain about endorsing it, they were ready to commend it to congregations for study.
Even if approved, the paper would not have had the weight of the confessions and statements of faith found in the PC(USA) Constitution. It would have had only the endorsement of this particular General Assembly.
A second amendment added words to the section on baptism that support only the use of the words "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" in baptism. Specifically, the amendment added the phrase, "with the exception of the baptismal formula itself." The full sentence now reads, "With the exception of the baptismal formula itself, we are also free to supplement this language with additional Trinitarian images to reflect the expansive grace, love, and communion of the one God."
Only 48 percent of the commissioners supported a minority report that would have sent the paper back to the Office of Theology and Worship for further consultation with churches.
After the amended main motion was approved, a motion to reconsider failed by a vote of 222-260.
In other action, Catherine Gonzales was given the Excellence in Theological Education Award. She is a retired professor of church history and historical theology at Columbia Theological Seminary.
The Assembly elected Davis Perkins to a fourth term as president of Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and confirmed William J. Carl as the new president of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
The body also approved starting the eight-year process toward producing a new Presbyterian hymnal and a new Internet-based hymn resource.
By voice vote they approved an amended recommendation on the authority of Scripture and a recommendation on the Sacraments called, "Invitation to Christ: Sacramental Practices."
There's more news, but this is the next step in the Trinity controversy...
You can read more yourself at this site.
GA acts on Trinity paper
Assembly votes to 'receive' and commend to the church
by Bill Lancaster
BIRMINGHAM, June 19 — The 217th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approved a recommendation today to receive and commend to the church for study the paper, "The Trinity: God's Love Overflowing." The vote was 282 to 212, with 7 abstentions.
The original recommendation from the General Assembly Council called for the Assembly to approve the paper. An amendment during the debate changed the word to "receive" when some commissioners expressed concern that the word approve meant endorsement. While a majority of the commissioners were uncertain about endorsing it, they were ready to commend it to congregations for study.
Even if approved, the paper would not have had the weight of the confessions and statements of faith found in the PC(USA) Constitution. It would have had only the endorsement of this particular General Assembly.
A second amendment added words to the section on baptism that support only the use of the words "Father, Son and Holy Spirit" in baptism. Specifically, the amendment added the phrase, "with the exception of the baptismal formula itself." The full sentence now reads, "With the exception of the baptismal formula itself, we are also free to supplement this language with additional Trinitarian images to reflect the expansive grace, love, and communion of the one God."
Only 48 percent of the commissioners supported a minority report that would have sent the paper back to the Office of Theology and Worship for further consultation with churches.
After the amended main motion was approved, a motion to reconsider failed by a vote of 222-260.
In other action, Catherine Gonzales was given the Excellence in Theological Education Award. She is a retired professor of church history and historical theology at Columbia Theological Seminary.
The Assembly elected Davis Perkins to a fourth term as president of Presbyterian Publishing Corporation and confirmed William J. Carl as the new president of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
The body also approved starting the eight-year process toward producing a new Presbyterian hymnal and a new Internet-based hymn resource.
By voice vote they approved an amended recommendation on the authority of Scripture and a recommendation on the Sacraments called, "Invitation to Christ: Sacramental Practices."
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
In Birmingham, Alabama, the Presbyterian Church's (USA) National Assembly is considering experimenting with new phrases in describing the Holy Trinity ("Church to allow suggestions on Trinity, June 20, 2006). Traditionally, the Trinity has always been "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," referring to, respectively, God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Now, to reflect tolerance and diversity, allowances in the phraseology could include "Mother, Son, and Womb."
There is too much tolerance and not enough standing up for Jesus. This act of making "God the Father" a female gender is another move by satan and his puppets to discredit our Lord.
Jesus told us that when we saw Him, we saw God. Jesus always prayed to His Father in Heaven, not His earthly mother, Mary.
The Assembly went on to speak of seeking "fresh ways to speak of the mystery of the triune God." How about the Biblical way: "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?"
Now, to reflect tolerance and diversity, allowances in the phraseology could include "Mother, Son, and Womb."
There is too much tolerance and not enough standing up for Jesus. This act of making "God the Father" a female gender is another move by satan and his puppets to discredit our Lord.
Jesus told us that when we saw Him, we saw God. Jesus always prayed to His Father in Heaven, not His earthly mother, Mary.
The Assembly went on to speak of seeking "fresh ways to speak of the mystery of the triune God." How about the Biblical way: "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?"
Friday, June 16, 2006
In the opinion section of the Northwest Arkansas Times Friday, there was an article entitled “The anti-life movement.” The writer of the article, Christian Beenfeldt, has a masters degree in philosophy and writes for the Ayn Rand Institute. However, I think Mr. Beenfeldt has missed the point of the movement he calls “anti-life.”
First, I take offense at Mr. Beenfeldt’s language in the article. He says that abortion “(means) women who wanted to terminate a pregnancy (kill a child) would be forbidden from doing so …,(forcing) them to endure the misery of unwanted pregnancy and the incredible burdens of child-rearing.” He goes on to liken parenthood as “18-year terms of enslavement to unwanted children.”
The author speaks of the woman’s needs, the woman’s future, and her dreams. What of the life that she would be carrying? What of the baby’s needs, his future, and his dreams? He would never have the chance to live a life because his mother would not want to be “burdened” with an unwanted child from an unwanted pregnancy.
The author uses statistics to try make a point. I want to know how many abortions have taken place that can be blamed by the lack of morals in today’s sex-driven society. I believe most abortions take place because people want to party and not pay the check. The author agrees with me by calling the babies “unwanted.”
Second, I take offense at Mr. Beenfeldt’s comparing an embryo to “a pile of acorns” that is less “primitive than a fish or bird.” This proves Mr. Beenfeldt is an atheist. God created the world and placed man in dominance over the world to care for it. God did not place the Earth on equal footing with man. We are the ones made in His image (and that includes the babies, Mr. Beenfeldt.)
Lastly, I take offense at Mr. Beenfeldt’s saying the protecting the sanctity of life from conception is nothing more than religious dogma promoted by the Church. I am not Catholic and do not subscribe to any particular “dogma.” I do know that all life is sacred and that life begins at conception. I know that the taking of any life is wrong and, therefore, stand against any killing, including abortion.
I praise God that my wife and I never thought of killing our son in the womb. I praise God my parents let me live. Mr. Beenfeldt should be thankful as well his parents let him live. That is the point of the movement Mr. Beenfeldt calls “anti-life.”
First, I take offense at Mr. Beenfeldt’s language in the article. He says that abortion “(means) women who wanted to terminate a pregnancy (kill a child) would be forbidden from doing so …,(forcing) them to endure the misery of unwanted pregnancy and the incredible burdens of child-rearing.” He goes on to liken parenthood as “18-year terms of enslavement to unwanted children.”
The author speaks of the woman’s needs, the woman’s future, and her dreams. What of the life that she would be carrying? What of the baby’s needs, his future, and his dreams? He would never have the chance to live a life because his mother would not want to be “burdened” with an unwanted child from an unwanted pregnancy.
The author uses statistics to try make a point. I want to know how many abortions have taken place that can be blamed by the lack of morals in today’s sex-driven society. I believe most abortions take place because people want to party and not pay the check. The author agrees with me by calling the babies “unwanted.”
Second, I take offense at Mr. Beenfeldt’s comparing an embryo to “a pile of acorns” that is less “primitive than a fish or bird.” This proves Mr. Beenfeldt is an atheist. God created the world and placed man in dominance over the world to care for it. God did not place the Earth on equal footing with man. We are the ones made in His image (and that includes the babies, Mr. Beenfeldt.)
Lastly, I take offense at Mr. Beenfeldt’s saying the protecting the sanctity of life from conception is nothing more than religious dogma promoted by the Church. I am not Catholic and do not subscribe to any particular “dogma.” I do know that all life is sacred and that life begins at conception. I know that the taking of any life is wrong and, therefore, stand against any killing, including abortion.
I praise God that my wife and I never thought of killing our son in the womb. I praise God my parents let me live. Mr. Beenfeldt should be thankful as well his parents let him live. That is the point of the movement Mr. Beenfeldt calls “anti-life.”
Sunday, June 04, 2006
One has to wonder, that if Dan Brown could have known the uproar his novel, "The Davinci Code," would cause around the world, would he still have wrote it? At this point, to say that his book is "just a novel" is just avoiding the cultural force it is. I do not know how much the movie version of his book has grossed so far, but it must be huge, I'm sure.
Here's some irony for you, though: Islamic Pakistan has banned the movie in their country to respect Jesus Christ, who they hold as a prophet of allah. Pakistan has a Christian population of roughly 3%. (Remember the worldwide rage of Muslims over the disrespect of their prophet, Muhammad?)
Again, at this point, to discount the cultural force "The Davinci Code" is by saying "it's just a book" or "it's just a movie" is just avoidance. Whether Dan Brown knew it or not, he unleashed a weapon on God and His Son, Christ, that will help turn millions away from salvation or harden their hearts to the Gospel.
I hope Dan Brown can sleep at night knowing he helped send someone to hell for a paycheck.
Here's some irony for you, though: Islamic Pakistan has banned the movie in their country to respect Jesus Christ, who they hold as a prophet of allah. Pakistan has a Christian population of roughly 3%. (Remember the worldwide rage of Muslims over the disrespect of their prophet, Muhammad?)
Again, at this point, to discount the cultural force "The Davinci Code" is by saying "it's just a book" or "it's just a movie" is just avoidance. Whether Dan Brown knew it or not, he unleashed a weapon on God and His Son, Christ, that will help turn millions away from salvation or harden their hearts to the Gospel.
I hope Dan Brown can sleep at night knowing he helped send someone to hell for a paycheck.
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